
Lambrate Twin Palace

Realisation of a new residential complex composed of two six/nine floors buildings with brise-soleil. The volumes are built along Via Sbodio and Via Massimiano and create a protected inner courtyard, intended as a garden, and common areas with parking spaces below.

The buildings have different types of finishes on the outside: plaster in different colours, porcelain stoneware plinth, metal sunshades with a satin metallic effect finish in gold alternating with composite wood sunshade elements with a natural wood finish, and two different types of fencing.

Lambrate Twin Palace

Dettagli progetto

AbitareIN S.p.A.
Progetto architettonico:
BEMaa Bruno Egger Mazzoleni architetti associati
Importo lavori:
24M (stimato)
Destinazione d’uso:
Servizi offerti:
Services provided by SIO: Preliminary design, detailed and final structural design, DLS
Lambrate Twin Palace
Lambrate Twin Palace
Lambrate Twin Palace
Lambrate Twin Palace
Lambrate Twin Palace
Lambrate Twin Palace
Lambrate Twin Palace
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